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Customer interest is determined by the actual behavior of clients.
Whether that they return to the same hotel and in what manner is the hotel looking for new customers.
Ambiance Hotel Ambiance Hotel is a 3* hotel, opened in 2012, offering modern accommodation near Grozavesti-Politehnica, a youthful and dynamic area of the capital.Number of rooms: 20
Se poate achitata online cu card de vacanta
9.2/10 from 41 clients
Splaiul Independentei, Nr. 303, Sector 6, Bucuresti
Andy Hotel Andy Bucharest Hotel is located right next to the main North Railways Station, in Bucharest, and is situated 2.5 km from the city centre, about...(more)Number of rooms: 47
Bliss Hotel Hotel Bliss este un hotel - restaurant, la doar 20 de minute de centrul Bucurestiului, unde cu siguranta veti trai o experienta gastronomica minunata.
Number of rooms: 15
Capitol Hotel Hotel Capitol beneficiaza de un amplasament excelent, in zona centrala a Bucurestiului, permitandu-va un acces rapid in zona economica, politica, administrativa...(more)Number of rooms: 80 website uses cookies. Continuing browsing through this website shall be considered acceptance of the use of cookies policy. Learn more by visiting COOKIES POLICY