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Parliament Hotel, with an excellent location in the center of Bucharest, near the Parliament Palace, awaits you with comfort and warmth whatever the purpose of your trip.
The hotel has 76 rooms.
Check-in can be done after 14:00 .
Check-out can be done untill 12:00.
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The first Romanian 4 star Boutique Hotel opened its doors in the city center of Bucharest, December 2000 under the name of Parliament. Our believe is that we have to be fully committed to our clients and to our partners and we aim to offer top quality services and to maintain strong relationships at all times with all our customers and agents.
Parliament Hotel is located next to the Parliament Palace, close to the main business and touristic areas, offering a great venue for business or leisure travelers in Bucharest. The location is highly convenient as on a 5 minutes walk you can reach a bus, tram or subway station that will be able to transport you anywhere in Bucharest.
At Parliament Hotel you will find personalized service, distinctive rooms for leisure and for corporate travelers seeking style and impeccable service. The warm atmosphere, intimate space, very well-trained staff ensuring personal exclusive service, works of art exhibit in the rooms are just few of the sides that are meaningful to the "Boutique Hotel" concept.
76 rooms (12 jacuzzi suites, 4 junior suites, 2 junior suites with terrace overlooking the Palace of Parliament, 56 deluxe rooms, 2 deluxe rooms for disabled persons).
The 76 deluxe rooms are meticulously designed for the needs and comfort of the most demanding business travelers. The elegant furnishings and luxurious bathrooms are creating a cozy and tranquil working and resting environment for the guests. All the rooms are equipped with:
lcd tv with cable,
wireless internet,
individual climate control,
phone / bathroom phone,
safe box,
Moreover, restaurant, bar, elevator, laundry services, room service, 24 hours guarded free parking, interpreters on request, doctor and dentists on call, private check in / check out, international and local periodicals are some of the services available in our hotel ensuring successful functions and personal comfort.
We kindly invite you to an intimate and private Hotel, small enough for personal, attentive and hospitable service yet with the convenience of staying in a four star Hotel and the distinctiveness of the boutique concept.
Wireless internet in public spaces
Wireless internet in rooms
Private parking at the hotel: 10 Euro / day (requires reservation)
Spoken languages
Restaurants / Bar
Breakfast in room
Children and extra beds
Maximum number of extra beds in room: 1
Check-in / Check-out
Check-out untill 12:00
Check-in after 14:00
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