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Hotel Biscuit, classified with 3 stars, offers its customers 18 modern rooms decorated thematically. Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden is located 500 meters away from the hotel and the town center is located less than 1.5 km away.
The hotel has 18 rooms.
ac5f677a-e205-4933-b5ed-9928f2c3399e eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzZWFyY2hSZXN1bHRzS2V5IjoiYWM1ZjY3N2EtZTIwNS00OTMzLWI1ZWQtOTkyOGYyYzMzOTllIiwic2hvd1N1cHBsaWVyIjpmYWxzZSwidmlld0N1cnJlbmN5IjoiIiwic2hvd05ldFByaWNlIjp0cnVlLCJzaG93UHJpY2VDb21wb25lbnRzIjoiIiwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNzIxMjUxLCJuYmYiOjE3NDE3MjEyNTEsImV4cCI6MTc0MTc1NzI1MSwidXVpZCI6ImM3MjkwOTUxLTU0YTgtNGUxZS04OTE4LTY0OGZiMTFmZDBkZSIsInYiOiJhMTc3ZDlmYjRlMDc1NWEyMzMzNTcxMGYzMjk4NzZmNzhmN2RmNmIyIn0.iA-DrgYpba0LXIEq3RfqWMclEnSzzraEOZirtXC0o-E["bibi-BB-RO1379","accent-acc-1048832"] Hotel Biscuit Cluj Napoca Romania
Biscuit Hotel, classified with 3 stars, offers its customers 18 modern rooms decorated thematically. Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden is located 500 meters away from the hotel and the town center is located less than 1.5 km away.
Biscuit Hotel Cluj-Napoca - Room amenities:
Wi-Fi Internet;
Bathroom with showercabin;
Hair dryer;
Tea and coffee machine.
On request, the hotel has rooms with washing machine and microwave.
Biscuit Hotel Cluj-Napoca - Other services:
Private parking;
Wi-Fi throughout the premises;
Transfer to / from the airport (extra charge).
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