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Fullton Hotel is located in the historical center of Cluj, two steps away from important touristic attractions: the Museum of Speleology Emil Racovita, St. Michael Church, Reduta Palace or the Heltai House.
The hotel has 19 rooms.
Check-in can be done after 14:00 .
Check-out can be done untill 11:00.
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The Fullton Hotel is settled in the centre of the city Cluj-Napoca, not far from some important commercial and touristical objectives.
Fullton Hotel - Facilities
Beyond its rooms, the Fullton Hotel offers you the following services:
Fullton Cafe is thought as an open place, as the fusion space of the light and warmth, to create an attractive atmosphere. This spacious and elegant Cafe works also as a day-bar, being adequate for business discussions and for different meetings for those, who like the atmosphere of this place.
Our Club realizes the decoration of a spectacular old basement, converting the history of this place into modernity by the pretentiously culled music and the variety of drinks served there. It is an elegant place full of intimity, adequate for the solemnization of a new or old friendship.
Fullton Hotel - Rooms
Fullton Hotel has 19 rooms, having in common the good taste of design and the care for your comfort, are just waiting for you to offer the accommodation that you are looking for.
You have the opportunity to choose between a room with a matrimonial bed, or canopy bed, or twin beds.
Details regarding rooms:
2 suits
6 large rooms with canopy
4 classical rooms
3 rooms with canopy
4 rooms with twin beds
Room facilities: air conditioner (not all rooms), TV, minibar, Jacuzzi (in suits), external phone line and internet connection.
Wireless internet in public spaces
Wireless internet in rooms
Daily housekeeping service
Non-stop reception desk
Spoken languages
Restaurants / Bar
Breakfast in room
Children and extra beds
First child in room with extra bed, with age up to 6 years
Check-in / Check-out
Check-in after 14:00
Check-out untill 11:00
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