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Guci Hotel Constanta is 500 meters from the beach Modern, National Theatre of Opera and Ballet and City Hall.
The hotel has 22 rooms.
648d687c-0df3-4871-abff-b0f324389159 eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzZWFyY2hSZXN1bHRzS2V5IjoiNjQ4ZDY4N2MtMGRmMy00ODcxLWFiZmYtYjBmMzI0Mzg5MTU5Iiwic2hvd1N1cHBsaWVyIjpmYWxzZSwidmlld0N1cnJlbmN5IjoiIiwic2hvd05ldFByaWNlIjp0cnVlLCJzaG93UHJpY2VDb21wb25lbnRzIjoiIiwiaWF0IjoxNzQwMjE0MTgwLCJuYmYiOjE3NDAyMTQxODAsImV4cCI6MTc0MDI1MDE4MCwidXVpZCI6ImZmZjIwZGE5LWJhMDktNDg3NS05ZDVlLTljNjY5MDg3MjE0NCIsInYiOiJhMTc3ZDlmYjRlMDc1NWEyMzMzNTcxMGYzMjk4NzZmNzhmN2RmNmIyIn0.xWJwjLUI-Koyal9bpgrFixt3D6Mwv30JuFKtJjitk6I["accent-acc-842213"] Hotel Guci Constanta Romania
Located in the center of Constanta, Guci hotel has a privileged position to the Black Sea.
Guci Hotel offers international standards comfort, appropriate three stars plus.
The guests have at their disposal
10 double rooms,
10 suits,
40 beds,
restaurant and panoramic terace,
air conditioned,
frigobar in all the rooms,
television - 40 cable channels,
international phone, fax, internet,
sauna, jacuzzi, massage,
room service, safety deposit box,
mail services, shopping services.
The door system acces is by magnetic cards.
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