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Emma West Hotel is positioned at the entrance of Craiova from Filiasi, near Auchan hypermarket.
The hotel has 65 rooms.
Check-in can be done after 14:00 .
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Emma West Hotel 4*:
3B Calea Severinului, Craiova
Emma West Hotel is 2 km away from the center of the city and 400 meters from the Botanical Garden. 4 km from the train station and 10 km from the airport.
Emma West Hotel Craiova - Rooms
Emma West hotel offers 65 accommodation rooms:
48 single rooms
15 double rooms
2 apartments
Rooms features:
Heating fan
Cable TV with over 50 channels
Emma West Hotel Craiova - Facilities & Services
Luggage room
Safe at front desk
Free parking
Conference room
Fax / Photocopying
Room service
Cable internet in rooms
Wireless internet in public spaces
Wireless internet in rooms
Private parking at the hotel (does not require reservation)
Children and extra beds
Maximum number of extra beds in room: 1
First child in room with extra bed, with age between 0 and 8 years
Check-in / Check-out
Check-in after 14:00
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