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Maxim Hotel is located in the center of Oradea city and offers its guests 39 elegant rooms, a restaurant with terrace and wine cellar, conference and meeting rooms, indoor pool and a spa center, all at 4 stars standards.
The hotel has 39 rooms.
687905d9-5760-401d-b8cb-88b011d68286 2025-04-02 - 2025-04-03 eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzZWFyY2hSZXN1bHRzS2V5IjoiNjg3OTA1ZDktNTc2MC00MDFkLWI4Y2ItODhiMDExZDY4Mjg2Iiwic2hvd1N1cHBsaWVyIjpmYWxzZSwidmlld0N1cnJlbmN5IjoiIiwic2hvd05ldFByaWNlIjp0cnVlLCJzaG93UHJpY2VDb21wb25lbnRzIjoiIiwiaWF0IjoxNzQyOTY3ODI4LCJuYmYiOjE3NDI5Njc4MjgsImV4cCI6MTc0MzAwMzgyOCwidXVpZCI6Ijc5Y2JjZGUxLTBkMzgtNDVhZC04YjlkLTM3MmFlNGIzYzk3MiIsInYiOiJhMTc3ZDlmYjRlMDc1NWEyMzMzNTcxMGYzMjk4NzZmNzhmN2RmNmIyIn0.Ph1iC83MECosvzgeeJbsq3r_zx3wNnOUSxNey_5dXzQ["eximtur-EXM-RO0388","bibi-BB-RO1563","accent-acc-4941239","accent-acc-842285"] Hotel Maxim Oradea Romania
Maxim Hotel is located in the center of Oradea city and offers its guests 39 elegant rooms, a restaurant with terrace and wine cellar, conference and meeting rooms, indoor pool and a spa center, all at 4 stars standards.
Maxim Hotel Oradea - Room amenities
Magnetic card access;
Working desk;
Wireless internet;
Telephone with international access;
Air conditioning;
Individual temperature control;
Smoke Detector;
Bathroom with shower cabin (jacuzzi in the suite);
Telephone in bathroom;
Hair dryer;
Room service.
Maxim Hotel Oradea - Other services
Indoor Terrace;
Wine cellar;
A conference room and 3 meeting rooms with a capacity up to 100 seats, equipped with:
wireless internet;
video projector;
projection screen;
SPA Center, consisting of:
massage room;
fitness room.
Indoor swimming pool;
Private supervised, parking.
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