Hunters Chalet - Predeal | book: +40372.19...
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0372 xxx xxx
0372 xxx xxx
Hunters Chalet, Predeal
friday 27 sep - saturday 28 sep 2024 (1 night)
Hunters Chaletarrow-leftarrow-right
1 / 17
from 18 clients
+40372 xxx xxx
Str. Trei Brazi, Nr. 3, Predeal

Hunters Chalet Hotel Predeal opened in 1997 is an ideal place to relax in the tranquility of the mountains.
Map Hunters Chalet, Predeal
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Distance to:
Train station: Gara Predeal - 805 meters
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Train station: Gara Predeal - 805 meters
blue-list-capThe hotel has 17 rooms.
Nu exista camere disponibile in perioada 27.09.2024 - 28.09.2024 (o noapte).
  Located at less then 1 km from Predeal, Cabana Vanatorilor (Hunters Chalet) is a delight for a tourist who loves the mountain. When you are near the chalet you can almost hear the sound of the hunting horn and the waivodes grey hounds making noise. Those who shepherd this beloved place want that every guest feel like home.
  Vanatorilor Chalet from Predeal was bilt up in 1936. Originally it belonged to a german dealer. Since 1956 it s in the O.J.T. Brasov patrimony.
  Till 1997 it was a commonly boarding house. That year it was taked-over by the Bercea family. When it was reopened in july 1998, Hunters Chalet had outstanding endowments and modifications.
  The idea of decorate the restaurant picturesquely, as you can see it today, belongs to Ioana and Stefan Bercea who worked for a while in a boarding house in Switzerland. Actually that experience induced the two to give a new look to the chalet. When they got back home with photos and ideas they ordered furnishings for the restaurant and they decorated the place with trophys and shotguns. Their idea proved to be very soon a great success.
  "We arrived from Germany and Switzerland with a lot of photos and special books that show decorations for restaurants" explains Stefan Bercea. "I choosed this decoration from a book from Switzerland; i've looked for dabs, people for the furniture, for panelling and they did it all perfectly".
  Originally, Hunters Chalet has functionate more like a hunting restaurant. The clients begun to be atracted by the new offer of the restaurant. They have a menu based on traditionary romanian delicatessen, with slanina, caltabos, toba, cheese, bulz, sarmalute and also hunting specialitys. In time they introduced delicatessen with sweet sauces, typical for the german cuisine. There were excluded from the traditional dessert list like the commonly papanasi and there were introduced new desserts.

"I have updated recipes less used, although belonging to the traditional romanian cuisine, such as cow cheese pudding with raisins or apple strudel, as I learned to make in Viena" explained Stefan Bercea, whose chef occupation brought a lot of satisfactions and prizes. Hunters Chalet's orientation captivated more and more clients and the Bercea were encouraged to think of an extension. In 2000 was contracted a credit for the extension of the restaurant and of the kitchen. In fact, near the old building was built a new one, juxtaposed. With the new wing, the restaurant was extended with another 80 places, with a total capacity of 120 places. In order to be able to deal with the new capacity, the kitchen was extended too from 40 to 140 m2 (incuding the extentions). Originally, for the accommodation, Hunters Chalet had six rooms. Because of the extention of the building, three of them were made apartments. Now, Hunters Chalet has five apartments on the first floor, seven double rooms with balcony at the first floor and seven double rooms with balcony at the second floor. Stefan Bercea is member of the National Association of Chefs and Confectioners from Romania and of Verband der Koche Deutschlands, international cookery master. From 1980, since he is a chef, he has participated at many national and international contests, he is the winner of many medals and prizes and he has prooved that the romanian cuisine has a place near the most famous cuisines of the world. He promotes with great success the traditional romanian cuisine, but he excels in international cuisine.
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