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Dana Hotel Satu Mare is centrally located in the Liberty Square, near the Roman Catholic Cathedral, the Philharmonic and theater.
The hotel has 33 rooms.
169898cc-db4c-46c4-9452-8c7d336a4d11 eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzZWFyY2hSZXN1bHRzS2V5IjoiMTY5ODk4Y2MtZGI0Yy00NmM0LTk0NTItOGM3ZDMzNmE0ZDExIiwic2hvd1N1cHBsaWVyIjpmYWxzZSwidmlld0N1cnJlbmN5IjoiIiwic2hvd05ldFByaWNlIjp0cnVlLCJzaG93UHJpY2VDb21wb25lbnRzIjoiIiwiaWF0IjoxNzQwMjA2OTg4LCJuYmYiOjE3NDAyMDY5ODgsImV4cCI6MTc0MDI0Mjk4OCwidXVpZCI6IjA5ODZlZTMwLWRlNmQtNDliYy04M2Q2LTVlMjA4ZjM2ZGMwZSIsInYiOiJhMTc3ZDlmYjRlMDc1NWEyMzMzNTcxMGYzMjk4NzZmNzhmN2RmNmIyIn0.F5XwN42QRc1-7FsbAEbz-S9ThO1GfM2s0sD3jV1w1rM["accent-acc-3753195","accent-acc-3753194"] Hotel Dana 2 Satu Mare Romania
“Un hotel vechi, uzat si foarte ciudat: camerele nu au geamuri catre exterior sa poti aerisi. Toate geamurile dau catre holul hotelului.”
Posted in 06.03.2013
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Client in period 23.04/25.04.2010
“Totul este minunat la hotel. Il recomand cu caldura tuturor celor care au trecere prin Satu Mare. A meritat un drum obositor de aproape 12 ore, pentru ca atmosfera de la hotel, asezarea, personalul au compensat din plin. Sper sa mai revin la Satu Mare... ”
Posted in 30.04.2010
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