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1ff178bc-568b-4cce-b027-a45598c4cd8e 2025-03-18 - 2025-03-19 eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzZWFyY2hSZXN1bHRzS2V5IjoiMWZmMTc4YmMtNTY4Yi00Y2NlLWIwMjctYTQ1NTk4YzRjZDhlIiwic2hvd1N1cHBsaWVyIjpmYWxzZSwidmlld0N1cnJlbmN5IjoiIiwic2hvd05ldFByaWNlIjp0cnVlLCJzaG93UHJpY2VDb21wb25lbnRzIjoiIiwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNzIxNDcxLCJuYmYiOjE3NDE3MjE0NzEsImV4cCI6MTc0MTc1NzQ3MSwidXVpZCI6IjE5Mjk2NzAxLTk3MTgtNGY0MS1hNDllLTU5MzY1NDNmMDMwZiIsInYiOiJhMTc3ZDlmYjRlMDc1NWEyMzMzNTcxMGYzMjk4NzZmNzhmN2RmNmIyIn0.HyTpCCLRLJCbL7lM9uCvPB5kgueRTeiv0Eci7O0amdM["eximtur-EXM-RO0256","bibi-BB-RO0548","accent-acc-3753642"] Hotel Mara Sinaia Romania
A few kilometers far from downtown Sinaia - a resort 122 km far from Bucharest, and 49 km away of Brasov - Mara Hotel (opened in 1996) is one of the best in the country. The services are exquisite, while the large rooms offer an excellent mountain view.
Built in 1995, the Mara Hotel beats all other hotels if you're looking for comfort, peace, fresh air and a thinner wallet.
256 beds in 138 rooms - 22 singles, 18 double twins (with separate beds), 50 matrimonial, 20 double matrimonial De Luxe, 19 doubles, 4 Junior Suites, 4 Senior Suites and 1 De Luxe Suite.
Equipments: color TV, mini-refrigerator, phone with international access, air conditioned, bathroom with bath-tub, hair dryer, flexible shower, Internet connection through dial-up for 56 rooms, 30 non-smoking rooms.
Facilities / Services
conference rooms: Valea Regilor Hall (ground floor) - 200 seats; Panorama Hall(storey) - 180 seats, ideal for receptions and cocktail parties; Magura Hall (storey) - 80 seats, cabins for a simultaneous translation; Foisor Hall (storey) - 70 seats; Poiana Hall (storey) - 40 seats;
3 workshops - 45 seats each, with a natural light, air conditioned, Internet access, secretarial services - fax, copier, audio-video equipments;
classic restaurant - 150 seats
bar - 80 seats
swimming pool
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