Dambovita Hotel, included in the 3 stars hotels category can satisfy the most exigent requests.
The hotel disposes of 88 places in apartaments, and rooms with one or two beds, with the following facilities:
- bathroom
- radio
- color tv
- telephone
- central heating
- air-conditioning
- minibar
The apartaments have a spacious terrace with a nice view over the city.
Other facilities:
- two modern elevators
- restaurant
- fitness gym
- parking
- wireless internet conection
Suplimentary services for tourists:
- Offices rent for companies and bussines people
- Conference hall with simultaneous translation and Internet
- Color TV - satellite network
- Cultural and touristic informations
- Safe for valuable objects
- Washing and ironic services
- Repairing and cleaning servives for shoes
- Mail services
- Phone services (short distance and long-distance)
- Room-service
- Luggage transportation and commision messenger
- Receiving and transmitting messages and mail
- Providing umbrellas and raincoats
- Awaking on request
- First aid in case of emergency
- Possibility to work-out in the fitness gym