Harta Decebal Hotel - Bacau | book: +40372.43...
white-telephone 0372 xxx xxx
English (US)
Rate Code
0372 xxx xxx
0372 xxx xxx
Decebal Hotel, Bacau
sunday 02 mar - monday 03 mar 2025 (1 night)
Decebal Hotelarrow-leftarrow-right
1 / 22
+40372 xxx xxx
Str. Ionita Sandu Sturza, Nr. 2, Bacau

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The Bacau county is situated in the Eastern part of Romania, it is 2,8 per cent of Romania's surface. The Municipality of Bacau is the capital city of this county.
The land of Bacau county which has a varied and picturesque relief with the Eastern Carpathians and hilly regions washed by the Bistrita, Trotus, Siret, Tazlau, Casin and Slanic Rivers with their wonderful valleys and rich flora, is an important point of tourist attraction consisting in watering places, different natural landscapes, historic and art monuments, memorial houses. On its surface, 26,700 ha are covered by forests.

The Decebal Hotel Bacau has all of the amenities, facilities and levels of comfort you would expect from a hotel of this class, and maintains the meticulous standards required by travel and tour operators worldwide.
Decebal hotel is well known as a landmark for the journeys of the business men in the eastern part of Romania.
The hotel offers you 190 places for accomodation in 6 suites, 61 double rooms and 28 rooms with matrimonial bed. All rooms have own bathroom, TV, cable, fridge. Another facilities: restaurant with 250 seates, daily bar with 50 seates, conference room with 50 places.
- values keeping
- parking
- telephone
- room
- service
- washing
buton-sus UP
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