Cheia Hotel - Cheia | book: +40372.13...
white-telephone 0372 xxx xxx
English (US)
Rate Code
0372 xxx xxx
0372 xxx xxx
Cheia Hotel, Cheia
saturday 01 mar - sunday 02 mar 2025 (1 night)
Cheia Hotelarrow-leftarrow-right
1 / 23
from 6 clients
+40372 xxx xxx
Str. Principala nr. 464, Cheia

Cheia Hotel is only 400 meters away from Zaganu Hotel and has a capacity of 100 seats.
blue-list-capThe hotel has 54 rooms.
blue-list-capCheck-in can be done after 12:00 .
blue-list-capCheck-out can be done between the hours 10:00 - 12:00.
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  In a sun-trapped valley between high mountains, a mere two hours drive north of Bucharest, Cheia ('kay-yah') is a picturesque mountain village with a serious potential for enchanting you.
  Cheia took off in 1839, when a new monastery was finished on the spot of an earlier one that had burnt down. Cheia remains rural, and became a small holiday resort in the 20th century, known for the surroundings and the healthy mountain air. Cheia's climate is sub-alpine, with cool summers, and therefore is a great place to escape the hot and humid cities of the Danube plain.
  The hotel offers 50 rooms and 100 accommodation places in 2** single, double rooms and apartments. The first class restaurant is elegant and chalenges you to try the specialities. Other services:
  • fitness room
  • sauna
  • pool
  • conference room
  • car parking
  • buton-sus UP
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